Jesse Brady - Happiness Block

April 28, 2021

On February 17th, we introduced you to Jesse Brady, from Nashville, with her debut single "Transformations". We then fell in love with this young lady, who won us over with her authenticity and freshness. Besides, the chorus of "Transformations" still runs in our minds, because this pop anthem is very effective.

Here she is back with a new single released last Friday called "Happiness Block". Completely different from the first one, and in a much more folk style true to her roots, this new track signs a smooth and emotional return.

Jesse has that kind of voice that's reminiscent of female singers like Dido, who can spellbind you in less than 5 seconds and leave you hanging up there, on your cloud, for hours before you can come back down. When you're unhappy and have "less and less to lose" you feel like you are facing a wall. How to overcome it?

This song doesn't pretend to hold the keys to happiness, but if you let Jesse's magic work, you're going to feel less lonely. The music video is much simpler than for "Transformations". But it's always a pleasure to watch Jesse sing for us. Second single, second favorite.

We wish her a long journey, filled with success and new fans.

Added to our Spotify Playlist and played daily on Indie Music Center's Radio.

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