Luna Keller - The Philosopher

March 09, 2023

Already 13 features for Luna Keller from the IMC Family. Superstitious people will tell you that this is unacceptable and that a fourteenth was needed. Let them be reassured, it's done!

It is true that it's already quite complicated to count the number of songs that Luna Keller writes. Because she's able to write several songs in a day! And she stores them in books (no no, not little notebooks, but big books that fill up at high speed).

Barely back in Germany after an invigorating stay in Tenerife, where she grew up, recharged by the love of her loved ones, her first supporters from the start, she once again put her bags down on IMC. With a release that I didn't expect, to be honest.

Although I regularly watch her live streams on Twitch, I've never heard this little gem before. Or maybe it's my goldfish side that's coming back in force again. Boo, shame on me. What are we going to talk about today? Internal fights!

Some of my closest friends tend to tell me that I'm often overthinking. What's funny is that Luna is one of them. It is therefore reassuring to know that we are not alone in fighting against thoughts that are sometimes too intrusive. This is the theme of "The Philosopher" where Luna evokes the fierce battles of several characters inhabiting her mind. This incredible maturity is truly amazing. She always manages to take the time to reflect, analyze and decipher the slightest feeling. To finally succeed in sorting out everything and removing all that is harmful. With a lot of philosophy. Which is ultimately not very strange for the philosophy fan that she has always been.

Although 14 years younger than me, she still manages to surprise me with her increased thinking skills. And after 5 years of sincere friendship, she is more capable than anyone else of detecting flaws in me and providing the necessary comfort. I'm not afraid to say it, sometimes she puts things back in their place without filter and it's like she's the oldest. Honestly, she is the friend everyone would dream of. Maybe that's why her community is growing at the speed of light. She always says her songs are her friends but I'm not sure she realizes that her songs are friends and big support for everyone.

About this one, I had the weird feeling that the song spoke directly to me with my favorite line, at the end of the chorus: "You are the answer he cannot accept, he's always looking for questions instead". Yes, like perhaps many of you, I often look for questions instead of answers. And trust me, it's not good at all.

"The Philosopher" is for me a release that is a bit apart. It's even rather difficult to compare Luna's songs with each other, because they all have their own universe. And each in a different style. Sometimes quiet, sometimes upbeat and catchy. But each time right on the emotional target, with captivating stories, a vocal performance that transports you elsewhere, breathtaking production quality, and an unforgettable melody. With Luna's dad's guitar and bass and her friend Alden Heckel's guitar and mandolin, Luna was able to count on the magical talents of our friend Dominic Romano, a fantastic singer-songwriter already featured on IMC as well, but also a hugely talented producer. Here, he offered Luna the ideal cradle for these tormented lyrics.

I often talk about the bridge on IMC, which is a difficult stage in the creation of a song. Luna made a magnificent part of it, with a higher voice, and sublime harmonies, followed by an almost acapella passage that suspends time before the melody resumes for the final chorus.

Another jewel full of surprise, melancholy, and an invitation to reflection that grabs your guts and does not let go, even after the tenth listening, you will continue to reflect. Her songs are a bit like her: they act like in-depth therapy that does a world of good. Any problem? Call Doctor Keller.

Reach out to Luna Keller

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