December 20, 2022
Here we are. The 206th and final review of 2022 on IMC. What a wonderful journey, discovering so many talented artists! If one of them particularly caught our attention, it's undeniably Hazlett, since this is the fourth time we feature him in only 4 months. And you know what this means: he will join the IMC Family with his next feature in 2023.
It is with a touch of regret and melancholy that Hazlett closes our year 2022 before releasing his long-awaited debut album "Bloom Mountain" on January 13, 2023 (pre-save it here). His new single "Part Time Lovers", now out on all platforms, plunges us into winter with a lot of nostalgia, as the Australian-born Stockholm-based singer-songwriter confides:
"A long hard look in the mirror can sometimes bring up questions you didn't know you had and lead you to answers you didn't want to hear… When there's that one amazing moment living rent-free in your head, it's hard to admit that maybe things aren't meant to be".
With incredibly well-written lyrics, the song offers us some heartbreaking lines like the first line of the chorus, which is definitely our favorite: "I wear my heart on my sleeve, I'm sick and tired of trying to change clothes for you" . It's one of the nice metaphors hidden in the lyrics. Can you find the others?
Undeniably, Hazlett will have been THE good surprise of the year on IMC, and we are waiting impatiently for this album. While waiting for other discoveries and other emotions, Merry Christmas to you all. And thank you for this incredible year on IMC. Your support was truly amazing!
Picture by Olof Grind.