David Ost - Ants

Picture by Heiko Ritt

We already knew David Ost for a few weeks because we play "Gamblers of Romance" and "Gamblers of Romance (Acoustic) on the radio, thanks to our friend Dov of Indie Top 39, which had already ranked David number 1 four times. Yes: small world. But it's not over: David is working with Chasing Tales, another amazing artist we featured last year. This indie music world will never stop amazing us...

David is back today with "Ants", a track a little more pop than the previous ones but still with this unique touch and an incredible vocal signature.

With David Ost, everything is mastered down to the smallest detail and to perfection: the writing, the vocals, the melody, and the very advanced production with superb backing vocals.

With a lot of poetry in his writing, David still signs what we are not afraid to call a masterpiece. And it's a very personal journey:

"It's a very personal song about a deep friendship that was broken by depression. It's about how the human psyche alone has the power over a person's life and their relationships and how it can make people change until they appear strange to their peers or up until the point at which they appear as a completely different person (hopefully in a positive way). My song is supposed to remind ourselves how damn hard yet important it is to communicate about what's going on inside of each of us."

The melody is so catchy that you will find yourself singing along very quickly.

And if you like what you hear today, we can only recommend that you go to his Spotify, because you will find other nuggets there that you will not be able to do without. Yes, there is an addictive side to David Ost that is not unpleasant.

Included in our "Indie Pop" Spotify playlist.

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